Partner Penerbitan Jurnal Terpercaya

Mendukung publikasi jurnal ilmiah dengan kualitas terbaik dan proses cepat.

Kualitas Penulisan

Meningkatkan standar penulisan jurnal ilmiah Anda.

Proses Review Cepat | LoA 1 Hari

Mempercepat proses review untuk publikasi efektif.

Kemudahan Proses
Dukungan Penuh

Tentang Pusat Riset Jurnal

Kami adalah mitra penerbitan jurnal bereputasi dengan pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun, fokus pada kualitas penulisan dan kemudahan proses penerbitan untuk civitas akademika.

A collection of old, leather-bound volumes of the 'Journal of Molecular Structure' is arranged side by side on a shelf. Each book spine displays the journal title, volume number, and publication year, with years ranging from 1989 to 1990.
A collection of old, leather-bound volumes of the 'Journal of Molecular Structure' is arranged side by side on a shelf. Each book spine displays the journal title, volume number, and publication year, with years ranging from 1989 to 1990.
Kualitas dan pelayanan yang luar biasa.

Civitas Akademika


Layanan Penerbitan

Kami menawarkan layanan penerbitan jurnal ilmiah dengan kualitas dan kecepatan yang terjamin.

Kualitas Penulisan

Kami memastikan setiap artikel memenuhi standar tinggi untuk publikasi jurnal bereputasi.

an open book sitting on top of a table
an open book sitting on top of a table
Proses Cepat

Proses review dan penerbitan kami dirancang untuk efisiensi dan kecepatan tanpa mengorbankan kualitas.

Kemudahan proses mendapatkan LoA sampai dengan tahap jurnal Anda terpublikasi.

Dukungan Penuh
A collection of design journals is shelved vertically, with each journal's spine displaying the title 'DESIGN' followed by issue numbers and publication dates in chronological order from 1972 to 1986. The spines are mostly white or beige, with black print, and arranged with some minor wear visible on a few.
A collection of design journals is shelved vertically, with each journal's spine displaying the title 'DESIGN' followed by issue numbers and publication dates in chronological order from 1972 to 1986. The spines are mostly white or beige, with black print, and arranged with some minor wear visible on a few.
Three science magazines are stacked on a wooden surface. The top magazine is Harper's, featuring articles on UFO culture. Below it is Discover, with a focus on exposing research fraud and other scientific topics, including space. The bottom magazine, Scientific American, has a cover story titled 'Woman the Hunter,' challenging traditional gender roles in evolution. It also includes topics on organ transplants and endangered species.
Three science magazines are stacked on a wooden surface. The top magazine is Harper's, featuring articles on UFO culture. Below it is Discover, with a focus on exposing research fraud and other scientific topics, including space. The bottom magazine, Scientific American, has a cover story titled 'Woman the Hunter,' challenging traditional gender roles in evolution. It also includes topics on organ transplants and endangered species.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Pelayanan cepat dan kualitas tulisan yang sangat baik, sangat merekomendasikan pusat riset jurnal ini.

Lukman Hakim

woman in brown crew neck t-shirt
woman in brown crew neck t-shirt

Proses penerbitan yang mudah dan profesional, sangat puas dengan hasil publikasi jurnal disini.

Siti Rohmatun

woman in black blazer sitting on brown wooden chair
woman in black blazer sitting on brown wooden chair